Price list Medium – communication with souls of the deceased 50 € (1 hour) Consultation 50 € (energetická diagnostika, intuitívne odkazy zhora, pomoc s riešením problémov) (1,0- 1,5 hodiny) Holistic hypnotherapy 50 € (around 2 hours) Past life regression hypnotherapy 50 € (around 2 hours) Craniosacral therapy 50 € (around 1,5 hours) Reiki energy treatment and energetic massage 50 € (around 1,5 hours) Online consultation (communication with souls of the deceased, energy diagnostics, messages from above, help with solving problems; 1,5 hours) 50 € pre Slovensko 50€ plus poplatky za prevod zo zahraničia ( USA, Anglicko, Nemecko) (around 1,5 hours)