
We are all special and unique beings that are part of one unit the never-ending universe.

All of the individual parts of the universe are instilled and contained in each one of us and everything that is around us and inside of us makes energy. Every single one of our cells and organs in our bodies vibrates at a certain frequency. Our bodies are perfect mechanisms, constantly sending signals to our surroundings, these surroundings are then able to receive, telepathically process and transmit further. Our mind and our thoughts are not only able to create and heal, but also to destroy.

Toxic thoughts that are filled with hate, anger, judgment, and unwillingness to forgive can cause a shift in the vibrations in individual organs and cells in our bodies, in turn creating problems which show not only on our physical level, but also emotional and psychological. Although you cannot see energy with your eyes, you are able to feel it. We as individuals are all energetic beings presented in human form and our energy continues to exist long after our physical body leaves. During both life and after-life, souls signal a certain energy, which some individuals are able to receive and understand. By working alongside clients and being able to communicate with the souls of the deceased, I work mainly on the energetic- telepathic level. I like to think of myself as a channel that accepts information from a universal source from the univerisal mind. I also work with and have acces to the so called Akashic records, which is a book or records from a certain soul, from the very birth of the soul up until present day. I work on the subtle level with the energetic sheild of each individual, where different problems, blocks or traumas are hidden. If these issues are not solved, they can start to present themselves in the physical form- mainly on our physical health. By absorbing the information of each client, like their date of birth for example, I am better able to uncover important information, not only from a numerological perspective, but mainly from an energetic one. 

The energetic sheild is a metaphorical mother board for me, from which I am able to decifer codes and information about a certain soul. During consultations I aim to help find and uncover main roots of any issues a client may have in any area. It is important that the client and I work together to understand the root cause of certain problems and then to work together to gradually fix, better and completely heal on all levels of our being – phyiscal, emotional, psychological and spiritual.

Ing. Andrea Jurciková

Spiritual medium specializing with communicating with souls of the deceased, certified hypnotherapist, regression, and craniosacral therapy. Certified therapist in Reiki healing and Chinese energetic massage therapy located in Prešov.

Even as a little girl I was always attracted to observing people. My daily bus commutes to and from school were always made more interesting my watching people. I tried to decipher their character and spirit through their eyes and facial expressions, how they feel and what they are hiding deep inside. Even as a child I felt the presence of the deceased, but times were different back then and most people did not pay much attention to such things that were unexplainable or invisible. As I grew older, I furthered away from the spiritual and focused more on the technical. I obtained my university degree from TUKE (Technical University in Košice) with a major in civil engineering. After a few years however, I started to have a feeling of being incomplete and that something was missing from my life, and the feeling that I had to find my true souls’ purpose on this planet. Gradually I began to feel various people’s energies around me, whether it was due to an illness or other health issues. In 2003 I moved to South Florida, USA where I spent almost 9 years of my life. After many years of longing to learn about working with energy, I decided to enrol in an accredited course in energy healing reiki 1., 2. And 3. Master level in The energy healing institute, in West Palm Beach Florida under reverend Ricard L. de Govia. After finishing this course and obtaining my accreditation, I started feeling and communicating with the deceased more intensively. Around the same time, I also began having visions and messages from the other side regarding people but also events that were confirming themselves and transcending in real life. In 2014, after my return back to Slovakia, I once again decided to further my knowledge and obtained a certification in accredited studies of Holistic hypnotherapy from psychotherapeutic center Senaz and a course in regressive hypnotherapy under Mgr. Andrea Bellayová. In 2016, I completed a course in Chinese energetic massage therapy in the center for alternative forms of regenerative therapy in Bratislava under Mgr. Maria Vavra. In the following years of 2017-2019, I also decided to get a two-year teaching accreditation degree. During the final state exams of this teaching degree, I was examined in psychology. In 2020, I became a certified craniosacral therapist in Remas Piešťany massage therapy school.
